Monday 16 May 2016

Immediate Implant Treatment

Immediate implant placement after extraction allows reduce the time that Propdental patients have to wait to have teeth and offers a predictable treatment option for tooth replacement. This is most important in the anterior maxilla, the so-called esthetic zone and in cases of full mouth replacement.

Immediate load implants after extraction benefits Propdental patients by decreasing healing time, reducing resorption of the alveolar bone, and achieving optimal esthetic results. Immediate implant placement after extraction

Following tooth extraction, a socket often presents dimensions that are greater than the diameter of a dental implant. In Propdental Barcelona Dental Clinic this gap is filled by guided bone regeneration techniques placing biooss within the walls of the surgically defect. The main objective of provisionalization on immediate load implants is to combine tissue preservation with the bone preservation that follows immediate placement.

Once the dental implant is inserted, and using the latest implantology techniques we also attach the tooth/ teeth within the same day with the advantage that as well as the convenience and quality of the treatment, we gain time. The patient comes into our dental clinic with his or her teeth in a bad condition and needing extractions and leaves the Propdental dental clinic already with new fixed teeth within that one same day.

Teeth in a day have proven to be as successful as conventional technique under a standard loading protocol. Controlling micromotion is the key difference between the success and failure of osseointegration of immediate load implants.

Micromotion can be reduced through broad anteroposterior distribution of the immediately loaded implants combined with cross-arch stabilization of the edentulous arches with a rigid prosthesis.
American Academy of Implant Dentistry have recognized that the difficulty, of providing anterior tooth replacements lies in preserving the hard and soft tissue components that surround natural teeth.
It has not been established how much bone is preserved when implants are placed immediately after extraction, and further research is warranted to clarify the bone remodeling process. Success in immediate placement and loading of implants is based on several clinical parameters. Therefore, this treatment concept can be applied in everyday clinical practice to properly selected cases that have good primary stability and sites with a fully preserved extraction socket with no bone dehiscence.
Immediate implant placement and immediate load implants can be proposed on the following situations on Propdental Dental Clinic.
Single-tooth replacement: extraction of a single tooth followed by immediate implant placement and immediate provisionalization. Replacement of multiple adjacent teeth: extraction of a few, adjacent teeth in a partially edentulous arch, followed by immediate placement of implants with immediate provisionalization. Total arch replacement: extraction of a few hopeless teeth resulting in a completely edentulous arch, followed by placement of implants that coincide with extraction sockets; then immediate provisionalization and loading. Total mouth replacement (two arches): extraction of a few hopeless teeth resulting in a completely edentulous patient, followed by placement of implants that coincide with extraction sockets in both arches; then immediate provisionalization and loading.

Advantages of the immediate implants
Immediate dental implants are inserted within the same surgical act that carries out the extraction of the tooth to be replaced. For the insertion of the dental implants we often take advantage of the bone left following the dental extraction in order to insert the dental implant.
Inserting the immediate dental implant at the time of the dental extraction enables us to save time, preserve the gum and minimise the bone reabsorption which always takes place after a dental extraction.
The advantages of immediate implants are that they are quick compared to deferred dental implants and they essentially shorten the rehabilitation treatment. In deferred implants you normally wait 3-6 months after the dental extraction before inserting the dental implants and, once the implants are inserted, it is necessary to wait a further 3-6 months to attach the fixed teeth.
Another of the advantages of immediate load implants is that of reducing reabsorption of the bone after the extraction, thereby obtaining better cosmetic results as the variation of the gum is barely appreciable.
In Propdental we can achieve an unbeatable dental implant aesthetics with cosmetic dental rehabilitation on dental implants with zirconium.

Monday 16 May 2016

Immediate Implant Treatment

Immediate implant placement after extraction allows reduce the time that Propdental patients have to wait to have teeth and offers a predictable treatment option for tooth replacement. This is most important in the anterior maxilla, the so-called esthetic zone and in cases of full mouth replacement.

Immediate load implants after extraction benefits Propdental patients by decreasing healing time, reducing resorption of the alveolar bone, and achieving optimal esthetic results. Immediate implant placement after extraction

Following tooth extraction, a socket often presents dimensions that are greater than the diameter of a dental implant. In Propdental Barcelona Dental Clinic this gap is filled by guided bone regeneration techniques placing biooss within the walls of the surgically defect. The main objective of provisionalization on immediate load implants is to combine tissue preservation with the bone preservation that follows immediate placement.

Once the dental implant is inserted, and using the latest implantology techniques we also attach the tooth/ teeth within the same day with the advantage that as well as the convenience and quality of the treatment, we gain time. The patient comes into our dental clinic with his or her teeth in a bad condition and needing extractions and leaves the Propdental dental clinic already with new fixed teeth within that one same day.

Teeth in a day have proven to be as successful as conventional technique under a standard loading protocol. Controlling micromotion is the key difference between the success and failure of osseointegration of immediate load implants.

Micromotion can be reduced through broad anteroposterior distribution of the immediately loaded implants combined with cross-arch stabilization of the edentulous arches with a rigid prosthesis.
American Academy of Implant Dentistry have recognized that the difficulty, of providing anterior tooth replacements lies in preserving the hard and soft tissue components that surround natural teeth.
It has not been established how much bone is preserved when implants are placed immediately after extraction, and further research is warranted to clarify the bone remodeling process. Success in immediate placement and loading of implants is based on several clinical parameters. Therefore, this treatment concept can be applied in everyday clinical practice to properly selected cases that have good primary stability and sites with a fully preserved extraction socket with no bone dehiscence.
Immediate implant placement and immediate load implants can be proposed on the following situations on Propdental Dental Clinic.
Single-tooth replacement: extraction of a single tooth followed by immediate implant placement and immediate provisionalization. Replacement of multiple adjacent teeth: extraction of a few, adjacent teeth in a partially edentulous arch, followed by immediate placement of implants with immediate provisionalization. Total arch replacement: extraction of a few hopeless teeth resulting in a completely edentulous arch, followed by placement of implants that coincide with extraction sockets; then immediate provisionalization and loading. Total mouth replacement (two arches): extraction of a few hopeless teeth resulting in a completely edentulous patient, followed by placement of implants that coincide with extraction sockets in both arches; then immediate provisionalization and loading.

Advantages of the immediate implants
Immediate dental implants are inserted within the same surgical act that carries out the extraction of the tooth to be replaced. For the insertion of the dental implants we often take advantage of the bone left following the dental extraction in order to insert the dental implant.
Inserting the immediate dental implant at the time of the dental extraction enables us to save time, preserve the gum and minimise the bone reabsorption which always takes place after a dental extraction.
The advantages of immediate implants are that they are quick compared to deferred dental implants and they essentially shorten the rehabilitation treatment. In deferred implants you normally wait 3-6 months after the dental extraction before inserting the dental implants and, once the implants are inserted, it is necessary to wait a further 3-6 months to attach the fixed teeth.
Another of the advantages of immediate load implants is that of reducing reabsorption of the bone after the extraction, thereby obtaining better cosmetic results as the variation of the gum is barely appreciable.
In Propdental we can achieve an unbeatable dental implant aesthetics with cosmetic dental rehabilitation on dental implants with zirconium.